The Influence of Intersections on Fuel Consumption in Urban Arterial Road Traffic: A Single Vehicle Test in Harbin, China
The calculating method for fuel consumption (FC) was put forward and calibrated and the characteristics of the fuel consumption on intersections were analyzed based on 18 groups of vehicular operating data which were acquired from the test experiment of a single vehicle along the urban arterial roads in Harbin, China. The results obtained show that 50.36% of the fuel consumption for the test vehicle was used at the area of intersections compared with 28.9% of the influencing distance and 68.5% of the running time; and 78.4% of them was burnt at the stages of acceleration and idling. Meanwhile, the type
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Simulating the Effects of Type and Spacing of Traffic Calming Measures on Urban Road Capacity
One of the major reasons for accidents is speed. Top of Form Inappropriate speed has been identified as the most important causal factor for serious traffic accidents. Traffic calming measures (TCMs) are engineering measures that are widely implemented to improve road safety by considerably reducing vehicle speed. TCMs have been widely used in urban areas to reduce vehicle flow rat...
متن کاملEffect of Gap Acceptance Behavior of the Right Turning Vehicles on the Major Road Stream for Uncontrolled Three-Legged Intersections under Mixed Traffic Conditions
Uncontrolled intersections are the intersections where there are no external signs or signals to control the movement of vehicles. In mixed traffic conditions priority rules are often violated by the road users. In All-way-stop-controlled intersections (AWSC), the vehicle should stop themselves before they enter the intersection and should check whether any vehicles are present in the other app...
متن کاملModeling Multiple–Vehicle Property Damage Collisions in Urban Signalized Intersections
Development of disaggregate models for estimating different property damage collision type frequencies in urban intersections has rarely been studied, particularly in Iran. It seems very little research work being implemented for studying the effect factors on collision type frequency at intersections. The main objective of this paper is to develop suitable statistical models to predict types o...
متن کاملRelationship between Pedestrians’ Speed, Density and Flow Rate of Crossings through Urban Intersections (Case Study: Rasht Metropolis) (RESEARCH NOTE)
Travels within the city are done in different ways, by vehicle or on foot. Thus, inevitably, a part of the travel is always done on foot. Since intersections as traffic nodes are determinant factor in transportation network capacity, any disruption in them leads to severe reduction in network capacity. Unfortunately, pedestrian behavior has received little attention in Iran. While this is a ver...
متن کاملEco-cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control at Signalized Intersections Considering Vehicle Queues
Traffic signals typically produce vehicle stops and thus increase vehicle fuel consumption levels. Vehicle stops produced by traffic signals, decrease vehicle fuel economy on arterial roads making it significantly lower than that on freeways. Eco-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (Eco-CACC) systems can improve vehicle fuel efficiency by receiving Signal Phasing and Timing (SPaT) data form dow...
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